AT8564A is a CMOS real-time clock/calendar chip optimized for low power consumption. The timing counter consists of century, year, month, day, date, hour, minute and second bits. External MPU can read or set the time as well as timer or alarmer when it is necessary. As exchanging data by the advance serial bus I2C, lines number on PCB can be reduced dramatically, which is very suitable in a complicated system.
An external 32.768 kHz crystal is needed to generated time base
Wide operating supply voltage range: 1.0 to 5.5 V
Low back-up current; typical 0.25 µA at VDD = 3.0 V and Tamb = 25 °C
400 kHz two-wire I2C-bus interface (at VDD = 1.8 to 5.5 V)
Programmable clock output for peripheral devices: 32.768 kHz, 1024Hz ,32Hz and1Hz
Alarm and timer functions
Voltage-low detector
Integrated oscillator capacitor
Internal power-on reset
I2C-bus slave address: read A3H; write A2H
Time of the day tracking
Process timing
Pin layout
Pin description
Symbol | Pin | Description |
OSCI | 1 | oscillator input |
OSCO | 2 | oscillator output |
INT | 3 | interrupt output (open-drain; active LOW) |
VSS | 4 | ground |
SDA | 5 | serial Data I/O (open-drain) |
SCL | 6 | serial Clock in |
CLKOUT | 7 | clock output, push-pull |
VDD | 8 | positive power supply |
CLKOE | 9 | CLKOUT enable input |