Part Number Description Reset Thresh. (V) Treset (min) Reset Out Watchdog Timeout Reset Thresh. Accur. (@ +25°C) (%) Icc (max) (µA) Oper. Temp. (°C) Cross Reference Pin/Package

AT705 µP Reset IC at Threshold of 4.65V with Watchdog and Power Fail In/Out 3.3 to 5.5 85ms to 300ms Active Low ,Push-Pull 1s to 2s 2.5 350 -55 to+125,-40to+85,-40to+125,0 to+70 MAX705 SOP8 DIP8 MSOP8
AT706 µP Reset IC at Threshold of 4.4V with Watchdog and Power Fail In/Out 3.3 to 5.5 85ms to 300ms Active Low ,Push-Pull 1s to 2s 2.5 350 -55 to+125,-40to+85,-40to+125,0 to+70 MAX706 SOP8 DIP8 MSOP8
AT707 µP Reset IC at Threshold of 4.65V with Power-Fail Warning, RESET, and /RESET 3.3 to 5.5 85ms to 300ms Active High ,Active Low ,Push-Pull - 2.5 350 -55 to+125,-40to+85,-40to+125,0 to+70 MAX707 SOP8 DIP8 MSOP8
AT708 µP Reset IC at Threshold of 4.4V with Power-Fail Warning, RESET, and /RESET 3.3 to 5.5 85ms to 300ms Active High ,Active Low ,Push-Pull - 2.5 350 -55 to+125,-40to+85,-40to+125,0 to+70 MAX708 SOP8 DIP8 MSOP8
AT813L 4-Pin µP Voltage Monitor with Manual RESET Input and RESET 2.5 to 3.3 ,3.3 to 5.5 85ms to 300ms Active High ,Push-Pull - 1.5 15 -40 to +85 ,0 to +70 MAX813L DIP8 MSOP8
技术支持:万广互联 芯景AnalogTek-CLOCK|RTC|RS232|RS485|LVDS|I2C|多协议收发芯片|马达驱动芯片-武汉芯景科技有限公司WuHan AnalogTek Technology Co., Ltd. 鄂ICP备20005446号-1